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Recommendation 8

One of our primary focuses is to support partner jurisdictions to better comply with Recommendation 8  requirements. We do so by assisting them in preparing and elaborating NPO Sectoral Risk Assessments, which are a crucial pre-condition for a positive re-assessment by the FATF and Financial Action Task Force-style regional bodies (FSRBs) in terms of compliance with the requirements of FATF Recommendation 8. This multifaceted approach encompasses the following key areas:

  • We assist partner countries in adopting a robust risk assessment methodology specific to non-profit organisations (NPOs) and terrorist financing, in full compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendation 8.
  • Collaboration with government partners enables us to access and analyse all pertinent data necessary for conducting comprehensive risk assessments and evaluating mitigating measures.
  • Our experts work in tandem with government and CSO partners to develop risk assessment reports that adhere to FATF Recommendation 8 standards. These reports provide a comprehensive overview of potential risks related to NPOs and terrorist financing.
  • We extend our support to government partners by aiding them with internal reporting processes and International Co-operation Review Group (ICRG) reporting requirements.
  • We work closely with the Global NPO Coalition on FATF and its leading organisations (HSC, ICNL, ECNL).

Interested to learn more? Read our blog article about this.

Video Gallery

Discover some of our experts’ interviews on various topics related to our technical assistance on Civil Society, the Media and AML/CFT.

Capacity Building

The EU Global Facility offers comprehensive capacity-building training to various stakeholders, including authorities, regulators, and Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) within partner jurisdictions. Mostly centered around compliance with the requirements of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendation 8, these training seek to enhance the understanding and awareness of AML/CFT risks specific to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). By equipping relevant stakeholders with essential tools and knowledge, the EU Global Facility empowers them to bolster their mechanisms for preventing, detecting, and combatting illicit financial activities within the sector.

Our approach -which involves training sessions tailored to the specific requests of partner countries- have yielded significant success so far. Our engagement has resulted in positive re-rating for jurisdictions seeking compliance with FATF Recommendation 8 and IO 10. These tangible results have solidified the EU GF’s position as a leading international actor in this area.

A key factor contributing to the success of the EU Global Facility’s bilateral training is the unique methodology, which involves bringing together both authorities/regulators and NPOs. This collaborative approach has been highly beneficial and well-received by partner states. Furthermore, engagement of experts from the Global NPO Coalition on FATF in the TA activities designed for the partner jurisdictions, also ensures the holistic and comprehensive approach.

Our Media Tool

The EU AML/CFT Global Facility partnered with the Observatorio Internacional de Estudios sobre Terrorismo (OIET) and LeadingDev to develop a strategic tool to monitor AML/CFT news in the MENA region.

Free to use, it is targeted at journalists and media professionals, AML/CFT experts, members of public/private organisations, government officials but also any individual interested in understanding media coverage of AML/CFT incidents in the region. With insights from 18 countries and over 621 media sources (more coming soon), this tool seeks to help you to

  • Track incidents related to money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • Analyse how these issues are covered by local and international media.
  • Gain deeper insights into media interest and trends around AML/CFT.

Discover the tool here 

Regional and Global Activities

At the regional and global levels, the EU AML/CFT Global Facility organises a diverse range of workshops, conferences, and working visits across all continents. These gatherings serve as essential platforms for NPOs and their regulators to come together, share experiences, and exchange best practices pertaining to FATF Recommendation 8.

Co-organised in close collaboration with the Secretariats of Financial Action Task Force-Style Regional Bodies, these events aim to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among NPOs. The ultimate goal is to integrate lessons learned by other jurisdictions into their own practices, improve their understanding of Recommendation 8 requirements and forming a sustainable network of partners across their region and worldwide.

Constantly adapting to the latest regulatory evolutions, the EU Global Facility also adapts its activities to open regional platforms of dialogue between NPO actors. As such, in light of the FATF revision process of Recommendation 8 and its Best Practices Paper, the project has organised regional consultations for NPOs all around the globe.