High level experts from the judiciary and financial intelligence fields will partake in a two-day meeting organised by the EU Global Facility on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (EU GF-AML/CFT) in cooperation with the Siracusa International Institute on criminal justice and human rights.
Held in Aqaba, Jordan, this will mark the third in a series of collaborative meetings held under the title “Assessing the scope and effectiveness of innovative legal approaches to money laundering (ML) investigations and asset recovery”.
This third edition of the event aimed at reviewing the replies received from different international institutions on the questionnaire elaborated during the previous meetings and shared with the relevant international fora.
Ultimately, these activities seek to lead to the production of a far-reaching study on existing good practice that alleviate the burden of proof in ML investigations and asset recovery procedures. The results of the study shall provide a valuable resource for the work of relevant global and regional institutions (e.g. FATF, FSRBs, EU and UN relevant structures etc.), as well as national authorities and justice sectors.
The Experts Working Group is part of a series of activities organised by the EU GF-AML/CFT and the Siracusa International Institute aimed at strengthening international judicial co-operation and the efficient application of existing MLA standards and international instruments by judges and prosecutors.