EU GF/CEPOL regional conference on REC 8 in Tunisia
Tunisie , TunisiaToday, Monday 10 October 2022, the EU Global Facility kicked off a three-day regional workshop in Tunis 🇹🇳 on the implementation of the FATF Recommendation 8 for the representatives of...
IO 5 workshop in Panama
Panama , PanamaPublic and Private sector Beneficial Ownership training in Panama Enhancing capacity and coordination of AML/CFT actors Panama City, 10-13 October 2022 – A capacity building training on “Implementation, Management and...
E-training on Asset Confiscation & Management for DRC
DRC , Congo, Democratic Republic of theLast week, the EU Global Facility delivered an e-training on Asset Confiscation and Management to representatives of the Fonds de Lutte contre le Crime Organisé – FOLUCO from the DRC....
IO 7 workshop in Panama
Panama , PanamaPanama receives several training on money laundering, tax offence from EU-funded Global Facility Panama City, 10 October 2022 – The EU-funded Global Facility on AML/CFT on Monday launched a series...
REC 8 e training for Argentina’s regulators
Argentina , ArgentinaOn 17-19 October 2022, the EU Global Facility is officially launching its engagement with new Latin American partner country, Argentina. The project is delivering an e training on FATF REC...
E-workshop on FATF REC 8 Risk Assessment elaboration for the Seychelles
The Seychelles , SeychellesOn 20-21 October, the EU Global Facility will continue its technical assistance activities with the Seychelles, with the delivery of an online workshop on the subject of FATF Recommendation 8....
Exchange sessions Panama/EU asset recovery offices
Panama , Panama🇵🇦 A series of online sessions is being organised by the EU Global Facility on "Asset Recovery: Presentation of different models of Asset Recovery Offices in the European Union”. Following...
Virtual assets National risk assessment methodology in Jordan
Jordan"There is no right or wrong way to develop a national risk assessment methodology on virtual assets. The only right way is the one that WORKS for your country," says...
National conference on supervision of lawyers and accountants in Jordan
JordanThe EU AML/CFT Global Facility and the Jordanian National Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Committee (NAMLCTFC) are organising a two-day workshop on "Training in AML/CFT for legal professionals and...