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Virtual Assets e-training series for Botswana regulators

Botswana , Botswana

🌍 Exciting Progress in AML/CFT Collaboration with Botswana πŸ‡§πŸ‡Ό ! Following the country's request for technical assistance in November 2022, the EU Global Facility has been providing support to Botswana...

Gaming e-training series for Mozambique

Mozambique , Mozambique

The EU AMLCFT Global Facility continues its work with #Mozambique πŸ‡²πŸ‡Ώ , with the delivery of a specific e-training course on Gaming. Following a request from the General Inspector of...

Participation in the MENAFATF Plenary

Bahrain , Bahrain

The EU Global Facility had the privilege of participating in the 36th Plenary and Working Groups Meetings of the held in Manama, #Bahrain πŸ‡§πŸ‡­ this week. We are thrilled to...

Regional workshop on Enhancing Beneficial Ownership Frameworks

South Africa , South Africa

Regional conference on beneficial ownership gathers 18 African countries representatives in Cape Town   Cape Town, South Africa – 23 May 2023 – The EU Global Facility on Anti-Money Laundering and...

South Africa NPO Sectoral Risk Assessment

South Africa , South Africa

#SouthAfrica NPO Risk Assessment Workshop starts today Spanning over the course of two days, this online activity will provide a valuable platform for participants to finetune South Africa's NPO Risk...

E-training on Statistics on Police for Ecuador

Ecuador , Ecuador

E-training on statistics wraps up for Ecuador policeΒ πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡¨ Following the success of the first module , which covered general statistical concepts (March 2023), the EU Global Facility is delighted to...

Intelligence into Evidence workshop for Turkiye

Turkey , Turkey

Today, the EU Global Facility launched a workshop on "Turning Intelligence into Evidence" for over 90 representatives of Turkiye's law enforcement agencies and judiciary. Designed as part of the work...