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Jordan AML CFT Activities

UPDATE: In October 2023, the FATF announced the removal of Jordan from the list of high-risk countries or ‘Grey List’

The EU Global Facility on AML/CFT warmly congratulates the Kingdom of Jordan for its efforts in combating money laundering and terrorist financing. Since the launch of our technical assistance activities in 2020, our support has been unwavering and the EU-funded project is extremely pleased to see the partner country officially removed from the FATF list of countries under increased monitoring.

From November 2020 to October 2023, the EU Global Facility has provided continuous technical assistance to the Kingdom of Jordan, through the delivery of 45 activities both online and onsite, reaching some 1090 participants from a variety of institutions. The country was also host to 4 regional activities co-organised by the EU Global Facility, local authorities and other partners.

Jordan was also the very first country where the EU Global Facility resumed its onsite activities following the COVID-19 upheaval, and where it conducted its first cross-functional activity between the Law Enforcement and Justice/CSOs components.

Visit the MENA FATF Website

Bilateral Activities

Starting date

November 2020


Beneficial Ownership

Law enforcement and intelligence

Regulation and FIU

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